Milling & Grain Provenance: Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum) is a relative of Einkorn and Durum wheats. Known as “Farro Medio” in Italy, its size is between Einkorn and Spelt. One of the first naturalist the roman “Pliny the Elder” said that Emmer was one of the oldest wheats and that was 2000 years ago! Emmer is a versatile ancient grain and has good resilience to pests and drought something increasingly important in our ever-changing climate. It grows a very tall stem that looks great in a field but can be hard to harvest.
Perfect for: Bread, Pancakes, waffles, muffins, soda bread, sourdough bread,
Top Tip: 1: Bread dough can be stickier because of the weaker gluten. Do not over knead or add flour as this will not help. Accept the stickiness and knead the dough to a level that where it is soft and pliable. Rather than super stretchy. 2: Bake your dough in a well-greased tin rather than baking sheet.
Healthy benefits: Emmer is high in protein, fibre and a good source of resistant starch which can improve gut health.