What is the Cotswold Grain Partnership?
The Cotswold Grain Partnership is a partnership of farming families, businesses, and professionals. We are connected by shared desire to collaborate directly, develop new growing opportunities, and promote sustainable regenerative agricultural practices.
Direct Farming & Milling Collaboration:
Our aim is to reduce the food miles from farm to mill by collaborating with local Cotswold growers and the Matthews Cotswold Flour Mill. We develop a direct route to market for farmers growing Conventional and Organic grain varieties. We work with the farmers to ensure a fair price and collection to support their business.

Developing Diverse Growing Opportunities:
The Cotswold Grain Partnership has sourced grains from across the UK directly from farmers giving them opportunities to grow new varieties of Conventional, Organic, and Ancient and Heritage varieties of grain. This has provided our partners with diverse growing opportunities for their farms since 2019.
Promote Sustainable Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative agriculture or “Regen Ag” is a term that refers to a model of growing food that improves biodiversity and soil organic matter. At its centre are a number of core principles around improving soil fertility, biodiversity, water retention & cleanliness, minimising soil disturbance and enhancing nutrient cycling. We consider these principles to be the future of our farming food system.