Baker of the week - Bonnie Arpino

Baker of the week – Bonnie Arpino
1. What is your signature bake?
Bagels. My cheesy Red Leicester topped bagels are devoured especially quickly!

2. What is your favourite Matthews Cotswold Flour and why?
I’m slightly obsessed with Maizebite flour at the moment. We eat a lot of quiche in my house and this has taken my pastry to a different level – so crisp and tasty.
3. Why do you buy Matthews Cotswold Flour?4. Where do you buy your Cotswold Flour from?
Direct from Matthews Cotswold Flour.
5. Do you bake for a living or for a hobby (or both!)?
I bake as a hobby.
6. Do you have a favourite recipe using Matthews Cotswold Flour, you’d like to share?

Maizebite quiche base:
- 250g Maizebite
- Pinch of salt
- 125g cold butter cut into cubes
- Splash of cold milk – approx 50ml
- Put flour, salt and butter into a food processor and pulse until it resembles breadcrumbs.
- Add the milk gradually with the processor running until it comes together in a ball. Knead it briefly.
- Wrap in cling film, beeswax food wrap or pop into a Tupperware box and leave it in the fridge for half an hour.
- Roll out and place into the quiche tin.
- Prick the base of the quiche case, line with foil or baking paper and baking beans. Blind bake on gas mark 4/180 degrees for 15 mins.
- Take away the beans and foil/paper then continue to bake for another 10 minutes.
7. Why do you enjoy baking – what does it give you?
It’s how I relax at the weekend and unwind after a hard day. Cooking helps us come together as a family – both of my children are autistic and the kitchen is the one place that everyone in my house loves to be!
8. Who’s your biggest fan in real life?
My kids as long as I’m baking cake!
9. What is your most triumphant bake and your biggest disaster? And why?
Sourdough bread has easily been my biggest triumph and biggest disaster! My first 2 attempts were disgusting and ended up in the bin. I joined some Facebook groups and asked lots of questions and eventually made a fantastic loaf of bread. It was so joyful to know that I had made my own starter and made awesome bread without using any commercial yeast at all. Cutting it open and seeing a gorgeous open crumb was a truly happy moment!
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