Milling and Grain Provenance: Our barley is a unique blend of Heritage Barley that the Matthews family used to buy for malting barley for local breweries. Today 60 years later we blend this with our local wheats, traditionally milled through our stones named Marmaduke and George to produce a wholesome nutty flavour and exceptional rustic looking breads.
Perfect for & Recipes:
Top Tip: The flour due to the barley flakes can produce a stiff dough but will become more stretchy if you are hand working it.
Protein: 11.5%
Did you know:
Flour Number: 35
Flour Type: Bread
Flour Type Detail: Blended Light Flour
Origin: UK
Farming Method: Conventional
Grain Type: Barley/Wheat
Milling Method: Stoneground
Health: Unbleached, no extra additives