Milling and Provenance: Spelt has been called an ancient grain. Spelt like many similar grains originates from the middle east over 9000 years ago. Spelt has this unique nutty almost sweet flavour. Spelt is a hulled wheat which means the outer hulled layer must be removed before milling. This is done using a de-hulling machine. Our grain partnership farmers work together and share a machine on one farm with all the other farmers sending there hulled spelt to one location. The spelt is then picked up by the Matthews grain drivers 29T at a time and delivered to the Matthews Cotswold Flour Mill.
Perfect for: soda bread, scones, pizza
Health Benefits: Spelt is high in fibre which is important for managing cholesterol. Fibre in Spelt can help you to digest food faster. Rye is also rich in dietary fibre, which increase the viscosity of food mass. This all helps make the bread feel lighter to eat and digest.
Did you know: Spelt is sometimes referred to is “Farro Grande” (Triticum spelta) is one of the three original Ancient Grains. Spelt has been cultivated for over 5000 years. “Grande” refers to the fact the grain is bigger then Einkorn and Emmer.