Perfect for: Soda Bread, Banana bread, Sourdough bread recipes, flatbreads, sourdough, muffins, brownies.
Top Tip: 1: Blend with 50% white flour for a light texture. 2: It can be denser when baking so baking brownies, biscuits and other baked goods that do not need to rise much are a good choice. 3: If you are looking for light muffins, cakes and you may need to add a raising agent. 4: Khorasan can absorb around 25% more water than wheat flour, compensate your recipe by adding more liquid.
Healthy benefits: Like Emmer Khorasan is high in fibre, high in protein and contains a good source of resistant starch.
Did you know: Kamut ® is a brand name for Khorasan trade marked by the USA and Canada company “Kamut international” a company founded by Montana based farmer Bob Quinn. Bob wanted to protect the protect the quality and genetic purity of wheat. The names Kamut ® and Khorasan (A region in the middle east) are said to drive from the egyption word for wheat.
Milling & Grain Provenance: Khorasan (Triticum turanicum) is an ancient grain from the Persian region of the same name Khorasan now in Iran. Khorasan is one of the earliest types of wheat, its ancestors Emmer and Einkorn where all grown in the “fertile resent” the birthplace of agriculture around Mesopotamia thousands of years ago. Our Khorasan is from an ancient Italian variety “Perciasacchi” which is one of the oldest conversions from durum. It has been farmed using a low input farming model in Italy. The wheat once referred to as “Wheat of the Pharaohs” indicates when it was used by and by who. One thing is for certain Khorasan is very tall with deeper route systems supporting its nutritional requirements. The nutritional value of the grain has been maximised by slowly stoneground milling the grain into a dark wholegrain flour.
Contains: Khorasan Wheat