- 215g Matthews Einkorn Flour
- 3 Eggs
- 300g Milk
- 2tbsp Butter (melted)
- Oil - for greasing the crepe pan
These are the perfect alternative to traditional crepes for Pancake Day. Using an ancient grain flour – like Einkorn, Khorasan or Spelt – makes the crepes deliciously nutty in flavour. In this example we have used Einkorn, but the recipe should work just as well with our Regenerative and Organic Wholegrain Spelt or Khorasan Flour too. Top them off with sweet or savoury toppings and enjoy!
1) In a large bowl, use a whisk to beat the eggs into the flour, adding a pinch of salt.
2) Once combined, start slowly adding the milk. Pour in a little at a time, then whisk until no lumps are left. Add milk until you have a mixture which is the consistency of double cream - you may need slightly more or slightly less milk than recommended, depending on the size of the eggs used.
3) Add the melted butter, stir, and leave to sit for 15-20 minutes.
4) Set a frying pan or a crepe pan on a medium heat, then add a tiny drizzle of oil. Use a paper towel to wipe most of this away.
5) Pour a ladle of the crepe mixture into the pan while tilting and swirling to ensure the crepe evenly covers the base of the pan. Leave to cook for a few minutes, until no uncooked mixture remains on the surface.
6) Carefully slide a spatula underneath the corner of the crepe and in one smooth motion, confidently flip the pancake. Cook for a further 2 minutes or until golden brown.
7) Serve with fruit and yoghurt, or with ham and eggs for a classic Parisian brunch!
If you're looking for some great Organic free range eggs for your pancakes, we recommend you try our friends at Stonegate Estate.
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