This delicious Babka Cake bake has been provided by Gabriella Morelli. This Babka recipe is one of a number that have just been rediscovered in our archives, having slipped the net in 2022, and we'll be working to get as many of these posted as soon as we can in the coming days - so watch this space! 

A traditional Polish/Ukrainian bake, this dish is also called kokosh in some places, and reportedly originated in the Jewish communities of Central and Eastern Europe. The name means "grandmother" in Polish and this may be because the shape resembles the flow/swirl of the areas' traditional dress.             

  • Baker: Gabriella Morelli
  • Serves: 8-10
  • Prep time: 10 mins, plus 3 hours for proving 
  • Bake time: 35 mins
  • Flour used: Heritage Fifield Light


  1. Place the flour into the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with a dough hook.
  2. Add the yeast and the sugar to one side of the bowl and the salt to the other. 
  3. Make a well in the centre and pour in the milk, eggs and butter. 
  4. Start kneading on a low speed for 1 minute, until everything is well combined, then carry on kneading on a medium-high speed for 3-4 mins. 5. Cover with cling film and leave to prove for 2-3 hours until the dough has doubled its size. 
  5. Lightly flour a work surface and roll out the dough to a rectangle 0.5 cm thick.
  6. Spread the chocolate over, keeping it 1 cm from the edges. 
  7. Sprinkle it with some cinnamon.
  8. Starting from the longest edge, roll up the dough to a spiral. Cut the roll in half, longitudinally. Twist the 2 halves to make a plait.
  9. Gently transfer the dough to an 8 inches cake tin, lined with greaseproof baking paper. 
  10. Cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 30 mins more.
  11. Brush the babka with some milk and bake it in a preheated oven to 200°C / 180°C fan / gas mark 6 for about 35 mins.
  12. Enjoy!
Thank you so much to Gabriella Morelli @bebbasrecipes_and_ph for providing this recipe. If you’d like to see more, please visit their Instagram page.

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