Elaine Foodbod's Enriched Master Sourdough Recipe

50g Active Starter
1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk (save the white) + milk to make up a total of 350g (I use semi skimmed/half fat milk)
75g softened butter
50g runny honey
500g Matthews Cotswold Strong White Bread Flour OR 250g SWBF + 250g White Spelt Flour OR 500g Matthews Cotswold White Spelt Flour
1 teaspoon of salt, or to taste
Alternative slightly lighter option:
50g Active Starter
1 whole egg + milk to make up a total of 350g
50g softened butter
50g runny honey
500g Matthews Cotswold Strong White Bread Flour Or, 250g SWBF> + 250g White Spelt Flour Or, 500g Matthews Cotswold White Spelt Flour
1 teaspoon of salt, or to taste
Buy the flour:

As per my master recipe:
- Feed your starter as normal to generate the 50g needed for the recipe.
- Begin mixing the dough in the evening.
- Roughly mix all of the ingredients: it will be very sticky.
- After an hour, perform the first set of pulls and folds on the dough. Lifting and pulling the dough across the bowl until it starts to come into a soft ball then stop. Cover the bowl again and leave it to sit.
- During this first set of pulls and folds the dough will still be sticky but keep working with it.
- After an hour, perform the second set.
- During this set of pulls and folds, the dough will start to become smooth and silky (esp if it’s 100% white spelt flour) and will take less actions to pull it into a ball. Cover and leave to sit.
- Over the next hour or so, perform the third, and fourth set if you do one, the dough should be nice to handle now. Each time stop when the dough comes into a loose ball.
- Cover and leave to prove on the counter overnight as usual.
- Next morning the dough will typically have grown, but not yet doubled, allow it 2-3 more hours if it needs more time.
- Line a tin with baking parchment paper or a loaf tin liner.
- Pull the dough together, it does not need to be handled much, it doesn’t need to be too tight, this will be a stiff heavy dough, and place it hand side down/smooth side up into your liner.
- Cover again and leave to prove on the counter again until the dough is level with the edge of the pan, typically 3-4 hours.
- Mix the egg white with a tablespoon of water and brush the top of the dough gently with it.
- Bake, uncovered, from a cold start at 160C fan/convection, or 180C non fan/convection oven, for 45 mins, covering if the top becomes too dark.
- Remove from the oven, and the tin and allow to cool.
Elaine Foodbod
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We love partnering with our amazing Brand Ambassador - Elaine Foodbod Sourdough - and are very excited to share this amazing recipe!
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